bourbon · cream · fig · sweet Accept no imitations! Just 1% of the world’s vanilla flavoring is real, the rest is imitation or fake vanilla flavor. Vanilla is the most popular flavor in the world, not only is it used in favorites like ice cream, candies, cakes, and cookies, but vanilla also enhances perception of sweetness and other flavors. These Planifolia hybrid vanilla pods add a touch of opulence to your desserts, pastries or homemade vanilla extract.
Out of stockfloral · pepper · anise · mint Tulsi, also known as holy basil perennial plant native to India. It is one of India's most sacred herbs used both for stimulating focus in the mind or for relaxation. Weight 25 g
Out of stockwarm · woody · sweet · spicy They look very much like bay leaves, but the flavor is completely different. When they're rubbed or cooked, they give off aromas of cinnamon, clove, nutmeg and pepper. Weight 15 g
cranberry · pomegranate · sweet · tart Native to West Africa and often described as a flower, the hibiscus we cook with is actually a collection of sepals, the part of a flowering plant that protects the bud and supports the petal once in bloom. Hibiscus tea is a great way to get your daily dose of vitamin C. Weight 65 g
Out of stockwood · pine · citrus · spicy In ancient times, this “King of Spices” was extremely versatile used in everything from mummification rituals to currency. What we know as black pepper are the plants fruit or green berries which are dried and used as a spice or seasoning. Weight 55 g
Out of stockhot · zesty · sweet · warm Ginger is native to southeast Asia, particularly China. From there, it spread to other parts of Asia, the Spice Islands, and West Africa due to its effortlessness to thrive in a hodgepodge of growing conditions. Weight 55 g
pepper · earthy · bitter · citrus A close cousin to ginger, turmeric is a rhizome plant native to Southeast Asia. Turmeric’s root-like underground stems have a pungent orange flesh that can be used either fresh or dried. Turmeric is very trendy as of lately but don’t forget to take your turmeric together with black pepper. Turmeric and black pepper each have health benefits, due to the compounds curcumin (turmeric) and piperine (black pepper). As piperine enhances curcumin absorption in the body by up to 2,000%, combining the spices magnifies their effects. This powerful mixture has been as staple remedy in Aryuveda (ancient Indian healing philosophy) for thousands of years to reduce inflammation and improve digestion. Weight 60 g